Vitiligo, which is also known as leukoderma, is basically a degenerative disease related to skin in which melanocytes pigment cells which are responsible for skin color dies, leaving that part of the skin colorless. People having vitiligo on hands and face are usually ashamed of facing others because they feel discouraged and unconfident. Nevertheless, out of many people’s personal experience Aloe Vera has came up as a natural remedy for vitiligo disease.
A lot of people have treated vitiligo with the help of aloe gel, which is the only natural remedy for this issue. Aloe Vera is vastly in use in many parts of the world because of its cell remediation as well as cell regeneration properties (anti-aging properties). The regular use of Aloe Vera ensures a complete treatment for Vitiligo.
Aloe Vera for treating Vitiligo
Aloe vera has a lot of health benefits; one of its amazing benefits is the treatment it offers for vitiligo. Aloe Vera Gelly on the affected areas can not only help soften the skin but can also produce excellent results when it comes to treating vitiligo. Apply the gel and let it remain on the skin. Use the gel regularly and in a year or two the white spots of vitiligo will become unnoticeable.
Though researchers are still looking for the causes of the Vitiligo, they found a few as:
Immunological disorders – Due to the disorders in the internal defense mechanism of an individual, the body start producing antibodies against melanin producing cells which then results in killing them causing white spots in the area.Hereditary causes – Vitiligo can sometimes be hereditary as well.Autonomic – There is another concept that certain substances which brain uses in order to exchange neurotransmitter brings about changes in melanin producing cells which ultimately causes vitiligo.Though, vitiligo is not a dangerous disease but if left unattended can spread much, so it’s better to start treatment of vitiligo using Aloe Vera to get back your skin color.
VITILIGO TESTIMONY by Telly (Limassol, Cyprus)
Vitiligo is known that has not any medical cure but aloe vera gel seems to be the natural remedy.
Aloe, this miracle plant, has many health benefits.
However, I followed the recipe written by the doctor, two ointments and pills, but I had no obvious improvement in my condition except only a short time after applying the creams on my face.
When these two ointments and the pills finished, I did not visit the doctor again. I thought that if there is no cure for vitiligo, there is no reason to take further medication.
At that time coincidentally, a friend of mine recommended me the Aloe Vera Gelly, pure stabilized aloe vera gel from Forever Living Products. This product is known because it's natural treatment on minor burns and cuts, minor injuries and skin diseases.
Aloe vera is also known for its properties of cell remediation and cell regeneration, ie anti aging properties. So I thought that it was a good idea to implement Aloe Vera Gelly on my face after every shave instead of "after shave" lotion. And so I did.
The result was unexpected! One month later my face skin had softened, had no wrinkles and more importantly, vitiligo signs on my face were almost invisible! Instead, vitiligo symptoms - the white spots of vitiligo - on my hands were still visible but now less.
I think that is because even if I did not implement Aloe Vera Gelly direct on my hands, using my hands to apply it on my face, a small amount of the gel always remained. But that small amount has not enough time to penetrate into the skin and fully treat it, because hands have always something to do, they are busy.
But today, after about two years of regular use of Aloe Vera Gelly, there are not any vitiligo spots visible on either, my hands and face.
Many visitors who read aloe vera true stories send me requests for more information about Aloe Vera Gelly from Forever Living Products. So, I quote some information below.)
Historically, a major use of aloe vera was to aid in the treatment of minor skin irritations. Many households kept a live aloe, or “burn plant” for first-aid use. Essentially identical to the aloe vera’s inner leaf, Forever Living Product's 100% stabilized aloe vera gel lubricates sensitive tissue safely.
Aloe Vera Gelly
Specially prepared for topical application to moisturize, soothe and condition, Aloe Vera Gelly is a thick,
translucent gel containing humectants and moisturizers. Readily absorbed by the skin, it soothes without staining clothes.
Aloe Vera Gelly provides temporary relief from minor skin irritations. It can also be used on the skin prior to ultrasonic treatment, or after electrolysis. Hairdressers use the Gelly around the hairline to protect the skin before perming and coloring.
From your bathroom cabinet to your first-aid kit, and from the kitchen to the campsite – Aloe Vera Gelly is an ideal companion for skin that needs a little extra care.
Quickly soothes the skinDoes not stain clothingIdeal for any first-aid kit
Aloe Vera Gel
The inner gel of Aloe Vera is considered very well for Skin Care. As it is a natural balancer it's good for all Skin types whether you have Oily Skin, Dry Skin or a mixture of both.
Inside Aloe Vera leaves there is a Gel-like substance. This gel has vast range of Vitamins (including Vitamin E –which is very important for skin), Minerals, Amino Acids & Enzymes. Aloe is weirdly a close match to our Skin’s pH balance. Therefore, it is able to moisturize and heal Skin fast. So drink 80ml everyday in an empty stomach and you will have the best results faster.
i have vitiligo fo the past 30yrs. I have just started using the jelly but getting its hard to get it in zimbabwe. So will like to know how long it take to start having results. So that i know im spending money on the right product.
ReplyDeleteIt really help, you need to add aloe vera gel; as well,it will take 6months to a year for the spots to vanish completely
I would like to know how you dealt with vitiligo using aloe vera jelly. Did u manage to eliminate it completely with the gelly?
DeleteDid you finally get the forever living prodducts like aloe gelly and alovera gel? I am in zimbabwe and can supply you
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